Bicara Hadis

Friday, January 9, 2009


kepada kaum muslimin,marilah kita m'boikot brg2 israel.Jika anda mbeli brg israel,AS dan sekutunya seolah2 anda MENYUMBANG kpd pembunuhan sedara kita di Pelestin.

Antara brg2 itu :
-coca cola
-giorgio armani
-jenama NESTLE
-the sun
-seven up
-dan segala brg yg mempunyai barcode yng bmula dgn 729

Sayangi saudara kita.Selain doa,hanya ini yg mampu menyekat kemaraan israel.ingatlah saudaraku,Walaupun brg itu bernilai hy 10sen, ia tetap akan menyumbang kpd pembelian senjata israel utk membunuh saudara islam kita di sana.

Carilah brgn alternatif yg lain..Banyak lagi brg yg boleh anda guna dan pakai..
Sayangilah saudara kita disana kerana umat islam itu adalah saudara..Tidak beriman seseorang itu,selagi ia tidak mencintai saudaranya seperti ia mencintai dirinya sendiri..
Ayuh Sahabatku,Bersama kita melangkah membantu mereka dgn cara yg kerdil ini..
insyaallah,semoga diberkati Allah....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Truth and Consequences Under the Israeli Occupation
By Mohammed Omer

I am a Palestinian journalist from Gaza. At the age of 17, I armed myself with a camera and a pen, committed to report accurately on events in Gaza. I have filed reports as Israeli fighter jets bombed Gaza City. I have interviewed mothers as they watched their children die in hospitals unequipped to serve them because of Israel’s embargo. I have been recognized for my reporting, even in the United States and United Kingdom, where I have won two international awards. I have also been beaten and tortured by Israeli soldiers.


"Most young Israelis don't know what the IDF is doing to the Palestinians", he told me a day before his imprisonment. "Most young Israelis had never visited a Palestinian town or talked to a Palestinian. Many don't know what life is like on the other side of the border. But I have gone there, and I know how the Palestinians suffer as a result of the occupation. That's why I just can't become a soldier in the IDF. I simply can't do it"

read more


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